While we are learning virtually, it is essential for me to be able to get information out to parents! I will use Google Forms throughout the year for various parent communications, including scheduling conferences and to RSVP for special events, and send out links to the forms electronically. The tools currently used are:
- SeeSaw – SeeSaw is a free app that allows me to build digital portfolios for students to share pictures, videos, and other examples of classroom activities. Each child will have their own digital “journal” to add to throughout the year! Pictures and other items can be added to individual children’s journals, although some items will be shared to all journals. I will also use this tool to share reminders and announcements with parents, and can also message individual parents. However, you need to have the app to use Seesaw (available for both Android and iPhone). If you do not have a mobile device capable of downloading the app, please see Ms. Hayward for an alternate method of electronic communication. Watch for more information to come home about this exciting learning tool with directions for setting up your free parent account!
- Canvas – Canvas allows for parent communications. Please be sure to log in and check for messages!
- Email – I will use the email address that I confirmed with each parent as needed to send out additional information. Please be sure to check that email address regularly!
Hopefully you will find these tools beneficial for keeping up with classroom activities and information. If you have any questions, please let me know!